First Impressions in Cairo

I've never written in a blog before so here goes nothing! I am currently an undergraduate student and I'm studying at the American University in Washington, DC. This year, however, I'm actually studying abroad in Cairo, Egypt at the American University in Cairo. (The 2 universities aren't affiliated) Maybe it makes no sense to come to Cairo for a full year considering my major is in Film/Visual Media and I'm minoring in International Studies, but I've always wanted to study abroad during college. I chose Cairo because 1. I wanted to learn Arabic and 2. as a Pakistani-American Muslim, I have always wanted to know what life would be like in another Muslim country besides Pakistan. I have never visited the Middle East and I got tired of listening to what CNN, BBC, NBC, etc. had to say about the "Middle East" and how most news stations (in the US at least) treat it as if it is one country with only one kind of people, Muslims. Of course, after being here i...