Florida Church Planning to Burn Qurans on 9/11

When the debates over mosques or no mosques at Ground Zero (which btw is two blocks away from Ground Zero so not technically Ground Zero) becomes so out fo hand, and is raised as an "issue" at all, there is no surprise that a society begins to harbor more hatred than acceptance...


Florida Church planning to burn Qurans on 9/11
Posted in The Foreign Desk By Tom Mendelsohn

Florida Church planning to burn Qurans on 9/11

A Florida church is planning to burn a stack of Qurans on 11th September this year, in a tasteful effort to commemorate the ninth anniversary of the attacks on the World Trade Centre.
The Dove World Outreach Center, a non-denominational church in Gainesville, is charmingly trying to rebrand 9/11 as International Burn A Koran Day. If you’re interested, there’s a Facebook group for it. The info tab has a succinct little mission statement, which you may find illuminative:
Mission: To bring to awareness to the dangers of Islam and that the Koran is leading people to hell. Eternal fire is the only destination the Koran can lead people to so we want to put the Koran in it’s place – the fire!
The Dove Center, which describes itself as ‘a New Testament Church – based on the Bible, the Word of God’.....


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